

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Men! A Song of Mourning, Part 1

I told my friend Sam that I was rooting for this guy (Frank Schwartz) to win The Bachelorette this season. The reasons are three-fold: 1.) I like Frank. 2.) Ali likes Frank. 3.) Frank looks like Samantha's fiance, Dan, who was my best guy friend in high school.

I never, EVER watch reality tv. It makes me too nervous. In reality, people screw up and act like morons and forget the words to their songs. I don't want to watch someone else's embarassment on national tv! It's embarassing enough just hearing the commentary on the radio the next day.

However, Laura loves The Bachelorette so I grudgingly watched the episode she tivo'd last week. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I'm hooked now, but it was certainly interesting. For one thing, because it was all so contrived and fake. In what world do you fall in love with someone after one date!? And also, Wake up, Ali! These are GUYS! They're competitive by nature. They would be saying you're the girl of their dreams even if you looked like Mr. Ed.

Despite my yelling at the tv and rampant annoyance with Ali, I succumbed to Frank's charms. He just looked SO much like Danny! It was hard to hate him, so I chose him as my favorite and urged Ali to give him a rose, keeping him "safe" on the show for another week. Luckily, Ali was as taken with Frank as I was. There was much kissing and canoodling and Frank said, "It's going to be really hard for me to see you going out with all these other guys after this. I feel so close to you and like you're my girlfriend already."

Okay, a little creepy, but maybe it was just a super good first date and he was talking about where he saw it going.

That's why it was so disturbing to open up People magazine last night at the grocery store and see that Frank has been lying to Ali (and ME!!!) and that he has a girlfriend back home.

A-hole!!!!! What is wrong with you!? What is wrong with all men!? The guys who seem to good to be true are really in love with someone else. The guys who aren't in love with someone else lack the stones to even ask a girl out. And all the other guys are gay.


Michelle said...

I'm surprised the dude still HAS a girlfriend back home. What woman in her right mind would be down with her boyfriend going to seduce some other woman? When we are roommates, we will watch much classier tv- like FRIENDS. :)

Sam said...

um ok..so apparently when it said blogger wasn't working, it was because it posted it like 6 times...sorry!

Nom de plume said...

Wait, I'm confused. What does that mean, "What happens if the girl is wishing she were you..." blah blah blah?? I don't get it.

Also, this guy is MUCH cuter on TV. Trust me, he totally looks like Dan, don't diss my discovery!!!

Sam said...

hmm i will have to watch it next week. I got your message too late tonight. I will wait to diss your discovery until i see him in person aka tv.

I'm saying, what if some guy is seceretly in love with you but you don't know it and some girl is wishing he was in love with her. i don't know, it doesn't make as much sense now that I'm a day removed...

Sam said...

time for a new post. this pic kinda weirds me out everytime i check your blog:)

Nom de plume said...

then my mission is accomplished. or will be. You have to PROMISE to watch The Bachelorette next Monday night and tell me what you think of Frank.

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