

Monday, November 26, 2012


I don't like whiskey. Someone or other mentioned taking it for colds, and so I have done. Unfortunately, you don't discover quite how drunk you are until like an hour later. I don't like it one bit. I feel completely useless right now. Can't grade. Can't work out. Can't wrap Christmas presents. Can't do anything except sit here and tell God how sorry I am that I drank so much whiskey. I wonder if mouthwash would have accomplished the same thing? It's supposed to help you get better quicker, and I've had a cold for about a week now.

I saw Dan the other night. Do you know, Dan is the only person on this blog (besides Jared, I guess) who doesn't have a pseudonym? Dan is just Dan. I ran into him at a happy hour some of the girls at church were hosting. I made myself be the bigger person and go up to say "hello." And then I got sucked right in and really enjoyed talking to him (because he's such a winsome person). And then, before I knew it, he was excusing himself back into the crowd and I was cursing myself for not leaving sooner. It would have been just fine if I had made my excuses first. As it was, I was rejected by the same guy AGAIN.

I wish I hadn't seen him. It reminded me what a fantastic guy he is, which, given the circumstances, I really don't need to be reminded of.


Jared said...

A. Glad to see this post. I thought this blog was going to die after your last post.

B. Keep with the whiskey. Standards magically get lowered. Never get rejected again. You're welcome.

C. "I'm not used to being rejected or ignored." That's what happens when you reach your upper 20s. Just wait til you hit 30.

Nom de plume said...


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