

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Ahimsa - Non-violence

The Yoga Diaries - A journey during which I transform from a caterpillar into a slightly-less-neurotic caterpillar

This weekend, I participated in the first dozen or so hours of yoga teacher training (YTT) along with 11 other beautiful souls. This left me feeling the muscle pain of a 90-year-old woman. I would take an Epsom salt bath except that my bathtub is broken.

On this first weekend, the instructors -- whom we will lovingly refer to as Jade and Yoga Elsa (not to be confused with Therapy Elsa or Store Elsa) -- assigned us reading on ahimsa. This is the yogic concept of non-violence. I think this concept stuck with me the most because I am right now feeling extremely violent.

After learning distressing news from my family, my face immediately "exploded" again, so it turns out I am not cured of angioedema after all.

On the way to my doctor - the one who pumps me full of steroids whenever I get so stressed that my face explodes -- a rock flew through the sunroof of my car, completely shattering the window and raining down glass all over me whilst I was driving.

I literally have glass in my ASS. I have ASS GLASS!!!!!!! 

I have been informed the cost to repair this is $850, which I do not currently have because I gave all my money to the CHARLATAN who showed me this flooring sample: 

-- but allowed THIS to be installed:

-- and told me it was never going to be a "perfect match." As you can see, it is nowhere NEAR the color of my actual floors. I told the installation guy to stop. So now I have half a kitchen floor, and I still owe $800, not to mention the additional thousands of dollars I'm going to have to come up with to fix it.

My only consolation is that 3rd hour says: "Miss T, it is literally the highlight of every Monday to hear what happened to you over the weekend... mowing your own lawn for the first time and accidentally running over one of your monarchs; losing your cat; finding your cat locked in your shed two days later..."

In addition to all of this, I went out on a good date. (I know, I'm as shocked as you). This guy, whom we'll call Garrett because that is actually his name and I'm NOT feeling non-violent, could legit hold a good conversation and he had freckles! He repeatedly referred to our next date and texted me as soon as he got home to tell me what an amazing time he had and to reference our next date...

And then he ghosted. POOF.

I didn't think I was invested at all until I realized I was mad as hell. I wasn't mad about the guy himself or the loss of potential romance... I was mad at being treated like this when it is so freaking easy to treat someone with decency. 

Like, it's just not that hard to say, "Hey, I met someone, and I want to pursue that to see if there's anything there. Wanted to be upfront with you and wish you the best!" I have a lot of respect for that.

Dragonfly and I have been saying the following mantra each morning when we wake up:

We have been saying this every morning for the last two weeks, and to review, in the last two weeks I have experienced:

* Ghosting
* Glass in my ass
* Facial Explosions
* Half of a floor
* $850 window bill

Basically, I have experienced the exact opposite of everything Dragonfly and I have been "manifesting." For those who understand this type of thing, what the actual fkkk!?

All I have learned so far:
* ahimsa is very hard
* bad things do not happen in three's


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