I first tried alcohol in my twenties. My roommates gave me a
wine cooler, not realizing that I hadn’t eaten that day, weighed 120 pounds,
and had a compulsive personality.
They took it away after I drank half.
I didn’t drink again for a long time, but after I started
teaching in North County, I wanted to be like everyone else. It’s no fun going
out to happy hours on Friday with the rest of the staff if you’re just going to
order water. But I didn’t know the “rules” of drinking, so I asked the guy who
teaches next to me. He is a 6’4’’ black man covered in tattoos.
“I know you’re not supposed to drive drunk,” I began, “but how
do I know when I’m drunk? Is it obvious?”
“Listen, E, here’s what you do. You go home and drink until
you pass out. When you wake up, you cut that number in half. That’s your
That sounded mathematical enough.
It took six other teachers vehemently refuting this theory
to convince me that it was not an accurate way to measure how alcohol would
affect me.
But how would I have known that? Not only had I never
experimented with booze as a teenager, but most of my friends in college didn’t
drink either. My siblings drank plenty, but they always felt they had to
protect me from the knowledge of their transgressions. So I never really
interacted much with Extremely Drunk People.
Until recently.
A friend called me and asked what I was doing.
“Making salsa,” I said.
“Why would you be making salsa right now?” he demanded.
“I don’t know. I wanted some, so I decided to make it. What
are you doing?”
“I am calling to tell you that you are f***ing gorgeous.
Like, I seriously just broke up with my girlfriend for you! Do you know how
f***d up that is?! I woke up this morning and you were the first thing I
thought of. You have F***D. ME. UP. Like, you are one of the 3 coolest people I
know, and you don’t even know how great you are! But... you just don’t understand
I was nonplussed, horrified, and thrilled all at
the same time. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion, except a train wreck I actually cared about. I couldn’t
remember having ever talked to a drunk friend before and I didn’t know what to
do. Or what not to do. Or how to tell HOW drunk someone actually was.
“Okay,” I said. “Why don’t I understand Life?”
“EXACTLY!!!” he said. “And that is why we will never be
“Okay,” I said again, stupidly.
“Look,” he continued, “I don’t even have central air
conditioning in my house. I have one of those little boxes that blows cold air.
It’s like… a box. So there’s that. And you would get tired of living where I
live. Plus, you just don’t get life!!”
“Wait, is there more to the air conditioner analogy, or was
that it?” I asked, trying to follow along.
“What don’t I get?!” I demanded.
He responded, “If you don’t get over here right now, we are
THROUGH!” That made me laugh because it was so preposterous. Laughing is
apparently the wrong thing to do when someone is drunk. It just made him mad.
“Look,” I finally said. “I’m not really sure what this call is
about. You are clearly drunk, and this conversation is going nowhere. If you
would like to ask me out on a date when you are sober, I will say yes.” And
then I hung up.
A couple hours later, the text messages started, and those
were equally as nuts.
That was several days ago. Since I hadn’t heard from the
friend, I finally texted, “Are we still friends?”
“What? Why wouldn’t we be?” he replied.
Turns out he was “blackout drunk” that day and deleted his
entire text history, as well as his Facebook page (I guess to avoid seeing
whatever he had said or done). He said he’s even in the doghouse with his
girlfriend over how blitzed he got.
That gave me pause. “Wait. So you didn’t break up with her?”
I clarified.
“No, I did. Well…it’s complicated. Look, I can see I must owe
you an apology for something I said or did when I was blacked out. I don’t know
what it was, but I’m sorry. I don’t apologize often, but I must need to here.”
And that was that. How do you get a friendship back on track
after something like that? He has NO memory of any of it. And I can’t erase any the memories I got stuck with!
He's definitely attracted to you, subconsciously at the least. Having dealt with drunks my whole life, it's your job to try to forget the drunk dial and move forward. If you want to date him, be patient. His current relationship won't last. However, if someone is in their 30s+, and still gets "blackout drunk," they're probably an alcoholic. Alcoholism runs in my family, and if he is an alcoholic, he WILL hurt you if you end up dating him down the road. So be careful.
I'd do my best to forget about it and continue to be a friend, but the ball is in your court. If he doesn't remember, it's only awkward for you. So assess your relationship with him, and move forward accordingly. Just be careful. I'm not kidding when I say alcoholism destroyed my family, and hurt everyone.
Thanks, Anonymous Friend! You don't sound like Jared, who is my normal anonymous poster.
That's a good way to look at it...no need to be awkward if he doesn't remember anything! I don't have much experience with alcoholics so I just didn't know how any of it worked!
Nope, not Jared. Nothing works with alcoholics, unless they work on themselves first. You once told me I could sit by you if I came to your church. I marked myself anonymous because I don't remember my password. This is kind of fun though. Since I'm bored, and waiting to start work. I'll be playing the part of your mysterious friend from afar. I look forward to your next post. I enjoy your writing.
Hmmmmm. Grace? Andrew?
I know. It's MATT who wants to take my dog-cat on a walk and thinks I am rich because I have a Range Rover, even though I really don't. And you know from personal experience because it was your last girlfriend that you feel very torn up by and still love and want to get back together with, but don't because she is such a mess.
Nope. At this point, the reveal would never live up to the hype.
Well give me a hint. I only have like 2 readers so this is very exciting! Guy or girl?
I think Anonymous is 3 different people. The plot thickens! -Jared
Uh... that wasn't me.
Real Jared, you're one of 2 people in the world who can always make me laugh.
Still not Jared. I don't think you like me in real life. Perhaps one day I'll reveal myself.
OH! YOU'RE MY GOOSE! and I DO love you
I don't know what that means, but it sounds nice. Thank you!
Reading back over this, I really can't believe how naive I can be. OF COURSE HE REMEMBERED. It only took, like, a dozen people telling me before I finally got it. Some guys are just douche bags. And rather than owning up to things, they take the easy way out.
God. Anyone else would have known immediately that someone was lying to them. Not me. I believe what you tell me. I'm such an idiot.
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