

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Beginning of The Princess And The Frogs

Once upon a time there was an average looking Princess, and she did not live in a castle. She lived in the basement of one of her co-workers because the economy was really bad and the King and Queen didn't want her living with them. Politics.

But the castle situation was just one of her worries. The bigger issue at hand was that the average marrying age of most storybook princesses was about 16. That raises some ethical issues, I know, but what can you do? The average marrying age of most people in her village seemed to be about 25... and the average marrying age of the surrounding country? Well that was 25.6 for women. HOLY &*&%! When did that happen?!? Is that right!?

To be fair, the Princess should have been married a few years ago, but that damn knight hopped back on his donkey (it was NOT a white horse) and high-tailed it outta there. So here she sits, in the basement, typing away, wondering what will happen next.

Hi. I'm the Princess. I've had a string of bad luck in the man department. I'm sure most of it's my fault. I waited waaaay too long to start dating (I think I was about 24). Then I didn't have enough experience to recognize a good thing (nothing to compare it to). Then I got ditched by the prince mentioned above (bastard!). After that, I started kissing frogs, and that's what this blog's about.

Recently, I found myself on the other end of the fairy tale: a decent guy kissed me and found that I did not turn into his princess, but instead maintained my green, warty appearance. That's when I decided that it just wasn't enough to be someone else's frog-princess. You have to make your own luck. So to keep from howling in frustration, I am entering the world of online dating. You will read about my escapades with frogs and princes here, at http://www.theprincessandthefrogs.blogspot.com/ Subscribe or put it in your bookmarks. The best is yet to come :)

1 comment:

becky gall said...

this is so awesome!! i'm excited for you! (and to read about it) i love it!!

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