

Sunday, May 12, 2013


I have a lot of thoughts rumbling around in my head, but the problem is that it's the end of the school year. This means it is research paper time. Take this weekend, for instance. I had around 2000 note cards to grade. I got through most of them, but still have a few stacks left. In two weeks' time, those note cards will be term papers on social ills. I'll have one weekend to grade all 60 of those, as well. Sigh.

I had a dream the other night. I had found the most amazing house ever... exposed brick walls, vaulted ceilings, multiple fireplaces, the whole 9 yards. It was incredible, and I was excitedly dragging my dad around, pointing out all the best parts. My dad, however, being a consummate pessimist and also a loving father, felt the need to point out that the house leaked, and that we were standing in a puddle of water. "It doesn't matter how beautiful the house is," Dad said. "It doesn't matter how 'at home' you feel in it. If the foundation is messed up, you'll be making a terrible investment."

I was very frustrated with Dad for pointing out dumb little things like foundation issues and wet feet. After all, I was the one who was going to live in the house! If I didn't mind getting a little wet now and then in exchange for cavernous rooms and high ceilings, why should he??

I suspect, upon waking, that this dream was about more than just houses. I think it's about wanting to build a home with someone, and being willing to overlook issues because it 'feels right!' I don't know, I guess the best you can do is keep your eyes wide open.

And also, listen to your Dad :)