

Monday, September 12, 2011

Today was my birthday. It was hard. I felt very alone, despite the 50 birthday messages from friends on Facebook. There's just something about birthdays... everyone assumes you have plans with someone else, even your parents. And instead, you end up going to the movies by yourself or eating chocolate cake at Houlihan's with an old co-worker. She didn't want to stay out too late and I didn't want to go to the movies by myself, so I came home and sat on my bed and cried for my friends that have all moved away. Adrien to Detroit. Allison to Georgia. Lily to Chicago. I feel as if life has moved on without me somehow. I guess that's what New York was really about for me... not letting life pass me by. But I still ended up sitting in my bed, wondering how I got to be 28--yes, that's right, 28-- and feeling so isolated.

I'm kind of lying to myself. I felt so lonely because my friend doesn't remember my birthday and even if he did, I told him goodbye for good. So now, I'm alone.